MTSS/RTI Information
Multi-Tiered Systems of Systems of Supports and Response to Intervention
- Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) or Response to Intervention (RtI) is a multi-tiered approach to identify and provide early intervention support for students with learning, behavioral and social-emotional needs. MTSS/RtI begins with high-quality instruction in the general education classroom (Tier 1) and universal screening to identify students who may need additional support. Those students needing additional support are provided with high quality, evidence-based intervention with increasing levels of intensity (Tier2/Tier3) to accelerate their rate of learning and help close the achievement gap between those students and peers. Individual student progress is regularly monitored to determine their response to intervention and to help guide decisions regarding educational programming. Interventions can increase or decrease in intensity depending on student response/progress. This may include adjusting instructional procedures, curriculum, student to teacher ratio, duration, and motivational strategies.
When universal screening data is collected, a data team compiles the data and identifies which students may need additional intervention support. The data team also monitors the progress of students placed in interventions throughout the year and determines whether or not students need to be added, continue or exit interventions. If a student is not making adequate progress, the student can be referred to the Problem Solving Team (PST), a collaborative, multidisciplinary group of staff members. This team takes a structured approach to problem-solving, which includes problem identification, problem analysis, plan development, plan implementation, and plan evaluation/redesign (if necessary). Intervention plans developed by the PST typically are more intense and utilize additional resources and strategies than those put in place by the data team. The objective is to increase student progress and rate of learning, so students can close the achievement gap.