Preschool Screenings
The preschool screening process at Winthrop Harbor School District 1 is part of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Child Find requirement for children ages 3 to 5 years whose parents have some concerns about their child’s development and progress. The purpose of the screening is to identify children who may be eligible for intervention or special education services and provide appropriate educational programs for them.
The screening process is not a test or a complete evaluation of a child. It is an opportunity for the Early Childhood Team (psychologist, social worker, speech pathologist, occupational therapist, early childhood teacher) to briefly assess children in the areas of concepts, communication and language, fine and gross motor skills, play and social skills, and other risk factors. Screening results are used to determine whether a child:
- is progressing within normal limits as compared to others his or her age, then no further evaluations or special programs are recommended
- has risk factors making him or her eligible for WHSD #1’s Preschool For All Program
- is progressing below expected age levels in areas of development, a case study evaluation will be recommended to determine special education eligibility and possible placement in one of the district's early childhood programs
Screenings are held at various times each year. The child must be 3 to 5 years old, not currently of age for kindergarten, and must live within the Winthrop Harbor District #1 boundaries.
If a parent would like to register their child for screening, please contact Hannah Bakkum at 847-731-3085 ext 118 or email [email protected]
If a parent would like to register their child for screening, please contact Hannah Bakkum at 847-731-3085 ext 118 or email [email protected]